Give before you take - Quick thoughts on SaaS influencer marketing

One of ZenMaid’s biggest strengths/assets over the years has been our outstanding partnership marketing, even though I’ve never thought of it that way or focused on it much (I love people and gravitate naturally towards those I realize can help us and even those I realize can’t/won’t)

This is a question asked recently in the SaaS Growth Hacks group (great group, highly recommended) that I wrote a brief answer to, also posted below:

Question: “As a SaaS provider, how do you leverage influencer marketing? Have you got decent results?

Especially interested to collaborate with Youtube influencers in the e-commerce niche.

Representing an e-commerce SaaS, I have tried to offer them 40% recurring affiliate revenue, offer the co-marketing and even promote their video to help their channel grow, but haven't got many positive responses.

What worked/didn't work for you?”

Answer (my personal opinion) : “Don't offer to promote their videos, just do it without asking for anything in return. Do this on 10-20 influencers and let them know or let them find out and it's guaranteed a few will be interested in chatting further with you.

Give before you take.”