10 Digital Nomad Podcasts to Check Out

For full transparency: I’ve moved away from listening to Podcasts but I get that a lot of people still do and for those looking to be inspired or get ideas around their businesses or freelancing/consulting, I thought that this list might help.

I initially posted it as a response to a question on Quora:

Before answering this question I want to make a quick note that why you’re asking this question is important. If you’re looking for digital nomad inspiration your list is going to be different than if you’re looking to become a digital nomad as an entrepreneur or freelancer (remember: a digital nomad is simply someone that can earn money online/from anywhere and chooses to take advantage of that freedom. Being a digital nomad is NOT a career or profession)

I’ve tried to include 10 podcasts below and noted which category they fall into

First category (1) - nomad/travel inspiration
Second (2) - aspiring or current/growing entrepreneur
Third (3) - aspiring or current freelancer or employee looking to travel

#1 - The Tropical MBA podcast (all 3 categories)

#2 - The Nomad Capitalist (1 & 2)

#3 - The BecomeNomad Podcast (all 3 categories)

#4 - The Openworld podcast w/ Danny Flood (all 3 categories)
Note: I was featured on this podcast after spending 5 years traveling the world while running a software business

#5 - NomadTopia Radio (all 3)

#6 - The Gary Vee Experience (not nomad related but still highly relevant to any looking to be on top of their game and live their best life)

#7 - SuperFastBusiness (all 3 categories)
Great interviews and sometimes bite sized content from James Schramko who makes business simpler than anyone I’ve ever met. He builds his work schedule around ideal surfing times, quality facetime with the kids, and more. Definitely one to aspire to.

#8 - The Foundation (for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs)
The Foundation is a course for non-technical entrepreneurs wanting to start software companies however it’s success rate with turning employees into self-employed consultants is second to none. Their podcast is/was awesome (not sure if it’s still running) - I was featured on this one as well as their course is a big part of my success with https://get.zenmaid.com

#9 - The Minimalists - Most nomads are, by necessity, minimalists. I travel with a backpack and travel backpack (shout out to Tortuga bags) but used to travel with only the travel backpack (with a daypack packed inside). If you haven’t left your home base yet, this podcast will help.

#10 - Nomad Together - focused on nomad families. I’m about to deep dive into this one after being recently engaged :-)

Hope this helps!