High Signal community interview: What does it mean to be a founder and run a SaaS while pursuing your passion?

I was honored and thrilled to have a nice chat with Pete Codes from High Signal.

High Signal is a community of digital nomads and lifestyle business owners who are building companies they love while pursuing their passions. They help people like get their ideas off the ground by providing access to resources and information that can help them succeed.

We talked about so many interesting business and life-related stuff such as:

  • Sharing views on changing the world vs having a lifestyle business

  • Why don't more Americans become digital nomads?

  • What would I do differently if I were starting ZenMaid today?

  • Discussing product founder fit

  • How did industry competition affect ZenMaid’s growth?

  • and so much more…

Sit back, relax and enjoy 43 minutes of casual yet resourceful AMA.

Amar Ghose