The content dilemma - writers aren't industry experts and industry experts can't write (for our companies)

In 2013 I started ZenMaid because I wanted freedom. And to me that meant making enough money from anywhere in the world, and not having to work in the business day to day.

By 2017 I’d hired folks to handle ZenMaid’s operations, tech, support, and more. I even had help on the paid advertising side. But I was still creating all the content myself.

The dreaded content hamster wheel.

There’s a classic dilemma when we try to hire writers to create content for our audiences. Our audiences want to hear from industry experts, not content writers. Makes sense, right?

Here’s how we solved the problem:

We started the #MaidSummit, the cleaning industry’s first virtual conference, where we invited ~40 industry experts to speak on various topics ranging from mindset to marketing to lifestyle design as a maid service owner.

After the event we gave the videos to a talented content writer. Each week she takes the actual expertise of one of these consultants, coaches, and agency owners, and creates 1, 2, or sometimes even 3 unique pieces of content to our blog the ZenMaid Magazine.

I no longer have to write or record bits for ZenMaid to keep our team churning out legitimately great content.

I can if I want to, the same way I can step back into almost any department in the company if it strikes my fancy.

But the fact that I don’t have to (in any part of the business) is what make me free.

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Amar Ghose