The Two Train Illusion

Today, Seth Godin posted about The Two Train Illusion

I believed I already knew the ‘point’ of the lesson, so I was surprised to see he presented a slightly different perspective.

Below is what I expected to read from Seth (the first bit is almost verbatim from him, I’ve bolded where I ‘took over’)

“If you’re at the station, sitting on a train, you might notice that the train next to you is moving.

But, perhaps, that train is sitting still and you’re moving. Or both are in motion. It’s hard to tell. Without the lurch of sudden acceleration, the only clue we have is that our relative position is changing.

The same thing happens when we compare ourselves to others.

It’s hard to tell whether we’re moving at all or others are just moving that much faster.

And that’s ok.

Like the train, you’re going to get there at your own time, on your own pace.

Everything else is just perception.